This may seem innocent enough, but it can actually be a real problem. That’s because our tooth roots aren’t covered with enamel as the rest of the tooth is. Enamel is the great protector of our teeth. So, as your gums recede the tooth roots can be exposed to bacteria and decay. And like traffic at 5:00 on the 405, that’s no fun.
You’ve heard of gum grafting and other treatments that don’t sound like much fun themselves. Fortunately for you Dr. Randy Fong is one of the few dentists worldwide who has extensive training in a new method to treat receding gums — pinhole gum rejuvenation. The pinhole method is an amazingly easy-to-take treatment to fix your receding gums at our Santa Ana offices.
Why are my gums receding?
The most common reasons for gum recession are:
- Poor hygiene— Gum recession is one of the first signs of gum disease.
- Overly aggressive brushing or flossing— Brushing twice a day is great. Brushing too hard with too firm a toothbrush is bad, as it makes your gums retreat in reaction.
- Genetics— If your parents had receding gums, you probably do as well. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
- Abnormal alignment— Crooked teeth can cause the gums to recede.
- Bruxism— Grinding your teeth at night causes recession.
- Trauma— If you’ve injured your teeth your gums can pull back.
Pinhole method to the rescue
Traditionally, the only way to address gum recession was with gum grafting. Tissue was taken from the roof of the mouth and transplanted under the gums down further onto the teeth (where the gums originally were). This sounds about as fun as it is.
A new method for gum rejuvenation was developed by Dr. Chao. Rather than taking gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and grafting it, the Chao Pinhole Technique simply places a small hole in the tissue above the gums and then the gums are pushed downwards to cover the recession. Collagen is then placed into the hole to add structure and keep the gum tissue in place. In this method, there are no sutures and the holes to access the gums heal quickly, often in the first day.
Dr. Fong is one of the few practitioners worldwide who has received training from the Chao Pinhole Academy, and is certified in this new procedure.
If you have receding gums, this new method of gum rejuvenation may be a great solution. Call Dr. Fong at (714) 549-1903 and set up a consultation to see if the pinhole method can work to solve the problem of your receding gums.