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How Is Your Smile Looking?

After over a year stuck indoors thanks to this dumb virus, we’ve all had more than our share of Zoom meetings and FaceTime video calls. And throughout each of these sessions there is our own face looking back at us from the corner of the screen. It’s made each of us see a lot more […]
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Titanium is Your Friend — Implants 101

Many people are under the impression that dental implants are a relatively new advancement in dentistry. Not so. Implants have been used for tooth restoration for over 50 years. They’ve actually been around longer than that, just not the modern types made of titanium. Archeological digs have unearthed implanted seashells and ivory in the jawbone […]
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Bioclear Is an Alternative to Veneers

When patients come see us at our Bristol Street offices, Dr. Fong ensures they leave with the healthiest smile possible. Of course, the patient plays an important role in keeping this the case with attentive home hygiene. But some cosmetic issues with the teeth are another story. They often need covering up. The more well-known […]

Do You Fear Eating Cold Foods?

Our endless sunny days in Santa Ana should always be open to the tasty possibilities of popsicles, ice cream, and even a lemon-lime Slurpee. But when you anticipate cooling off with those foods does it make you cringe just a bit? Tooth sensitivity to cold is a common problem — 57 percent of adults between […]

How’s Your Home Hygiene?

After the year we just finished, there isn’t a soul out there who wasn’t glad to dump that 2020 calendar in the recycling bin. The one thing this dumb virus hasn’t turned upside down is the need to take care of your teeth. But did you make a New Year’s Resolution to take better care […]

All I Want for Christmas is No Metal Mouth

For most teenagers two words strike abject terror into their hearts: acne and braces! It’s not like wearing braces is a rarity — over two thirds of U.S. teens have some sort of orthodontic treatment — but that doesn’t make it any easier. In fact, few things other than extreme acne can be as embarrassing […]
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In addition to providing Bioclear and cosmetic dentistry to patients in Santa Ana, Irvine, Huntington Beach, and the surrounding areas, Dr. Fong offers general dentist procedures for patients looking to maintain their great smile and dental health. Call today to schedule your regular examination and cleaning.

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