

Mini Implants vs. Full Implants

Most people know about dental implants. They are the best solution for a missing tooth or teeth, as, once in place, an implant behaves just like a natural tooth. Most people don’t know that there are also mini dental implants. At Dr. Fong’s Orange County practice, we are asked about the difference between the two […]

October is Scary. Dr. Fong isn’t.

Some people can watch all 43 iterations of the Saw movies and not even flinch. They can go to the scariest haunted house in Orange County and yawn. To them the frights of October are not even a thing. But tell that same person he or she has an appointment the next morning with Dr. […]

All-on-4, the Instant Smile Maker

Over one tenth of Americans have lost all of their teeth. Wrap your gums around that one for a minute. Many have tried dentures but have found the experience, uh, less than pleasant. That means a lot of people are simply going toothless…not getting to enjoy nuts, or a crisp apple, no popcorn, or Swedish […]

Take Care of Your Gums

Your gums may look pink and wimpy, like a piece of soft Double Bubble Gum, but don’t be fooled. Your gums are the defenders of your tooth roots, and they are tough. But like a boxer who still needs his mom to cook good meals, your gums still need you to take care of them. […]

What’s a Professional Cleaning?

Some people think they do such a good job of brushing their teeth at home that they don’t need “professional” cleaning. While it is absolutely true that good dental hygiene is a partnership between you and your dentist, it’s absolutely false that you don’t need professional cleanings in addition to home hygiene. Prophylaxis, that’s the […]

Fillings Start to Blend In

If you’re over 40, odds are you have at least a couple of silver spots on one or more of your molars. Fillings. More specifically, silver amalgam fillings. At Dr. Fong’s we place fillings every day. But things are changing in this long-used method for removing decay and replacing the material with a “filling.” Today, […]
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In addition to providing Bioclear and cosmetic dentistry to patients in Santa Ana, Irvine, Huntington Beach, and the surrounding areas, Dr. Fong offers general dentist procedures for patients looking to maintain their great smile and dental health. Call today to schedule your regular examination and cleaning.

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